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Big Bear Real Estate – Monday Market Update For 1/12/2009

Below is your weekly update for the Big Bear real estate market as of 1/12/2009. Property Type Listings for Sale Change from Last Week Pending Sales Change from Last Week Sales Year to Date Change from Last Week RESIDENTIAL 936 -18 115 +9 6 +6 VACANT LAND 338 -3 8 +2 0 0 CONDOS 51 +3 2 -1 1 +1 GOVERNMENT LEASE 11 0 0 0 0 0 COMMERCIAL & RES INVESTMENT 51 +1 4 -1 0 0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 14 -1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1401 -18 129 +10 7 +7 A few notes about the market - The residential inventory … [Read more...]

Big Bear Real Estate Market – 2008 Breakdown

Below is the breakdown for the Big Bear real estate market in 2008. Big Bear Home Sales As previous mentioned on this blog, the residential sales, or homes sales, made up a significant amount of the sales in 2008, nearly 85% of the total market. Year # of Homes Sold % Change Median Sales Price % Change Average Sales Price % Change Days on Market List Price to Sales … [Read more...]

Everyone Wants A Deal When Buying Real Estate

I get that.  I would too. I have never had a buyer client say I want to overpay for a property.  It is rare that they even want to pay fair market value. While everyone wants a deal, very few buyers will actually act accordingly when a deal presents itself.  Buyers tend to get caught up more in the list price / offer price / sales price than the market value, so much so that when the right deal does come up, they miss it. The fact is that even in this "horrible" market, there are still an average of 50 buyers … [Read more...]

Big Bear Real Estate – Monday Market Update For 1/5/2009

Below is your weekly update for the Big Bear real estate market as of 1/5/2009, the first one for 2009! Property Type Listings for Sale Change from Last Week Pending Sales Change from Last Week Sales Year to Date Change from Last Week RESIDENTIAL 954 -79 106 +8 0 n/a VACANT LAND 341 -36 6 -1 0 n/a CONDOS 48 -4 3 0 0 n/a GOVERNMENT LEASE 11 0 0 0 0 n/a COMMERCIAL & RES INVESTMENT 50 -3 5 -1 0 n/a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 15 0 0 0 0 n/a TOTAL 1419 -170 120 +6 0 n/a A few notes about the market … [Read more...]

Big Bear Neighborhood Overview – Meadowbrook Estates

Want space & seclusion from your next Big Bear property?  Meadowbrook Estates could be the answer. This is a heavily treed acreage subdivision located on the east end of Big Bear, in between Sugarloaf & Erwin Lake.   History of Meadowbrook Estates Meadowbrook Estates is comprised of a total of three phases and 154 lots.  Apparently, this property was designated as National Forest at some point in time prior to initial development but I don't know how many years ago that was. The first phase came up … [Read more...]

Big Bear Home Sales – December 2008

Home sales in Big Bear for December 2008 (41 total) dropped 26% as compared to December 2007, and fell 18% from the November 2008 home sales number of 50. Typically, November & December are the best two months of the year for closings/sales, but this year they ranked 5th & 3rd respectively as the slowest months for sales in 2008. The median price for the homes sold was $262,000, up 9% from Nov. 2008, but down 5% from Dec. 2007. With such a limited amount of sales, any slight variation can throw these … [Read more...]

Driving To Big Bear During The Winter Months – Some Advice

This post is inspired by the pleasure (not really) I had of driving off of the mountain recently, and to educate those who plan to make the trip to Big Bear this winter. With all the snow we have received so far, the driving conditions on the various Hwys. and roads to & from Big Bear are bad.  Couple that with the thousands of people who are trying to come up or leave the mountains, and you have some pretty frustrating & dangerous driving conditions. Weekends are typically the worst, especially after a … [Read more...]

In Big Bear, 2008 Was Not Great

But hey, who is living in the past, right? In Big Bear, 2008 will go down as the slowest year for sales (# of properties sold) in more than 20+ years. It could be the slowest year ever but I don't have the data to prove it. It is what it is. The fact is that we are in this position and have to go through the "reckoning" process. Some call it karma, ying & yang, or the boomerang of life, it is the natural way to correctly a wrong. Like Newton's law of reciprocal actions, "To every action there is always … [Read more...]

Big Bear Real Estate – Monday Market Update For 12/28/2008

Below is your weekly update for the Big Bear real estate market as of 12/28/2008, the last one for 2008! Property Type Listings for Sale Change from Last Week Pending Sales Change from Last Week Sales Year to Date Change from Last Week RESIDENTIAL 1033 -6 98 +3 652 +8 VACANT LAND 377 +3 7 -2 69 0 CONDOS 52 -1 3 0 22 +1 GOVERNMENT LEASE 11 0 0 0 11 0 COMMERCIAL & RES INVESTMENT 53 0 6 0 15 0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 15 0 0 0 6 0 TOTAL 1541 -4 114 +1 775 +9 A few notes about the market - The … [Read more...]

Patience Is More Than A Virtue When Buying Real Estate

Patience is the key to getting a "great" deal when buying a property in Big Bear. In this real estate market, those who have the ability to wait, be patient, and let things draw out as they may are the ones who get the best buys when it is all said and done. Every buyer wants to get the best deal possible but very few have the patience necessary when it comes time to buying a house. In today's age of text & instant messaging, twitter, and the wealth of information at your fingertips, actually having to wait … [Read more...]