If you have considered a mountain property, here are 10 great reasons to purchase a home now in Big Bear Lake. 1. Interest Rates are at an all time low! Today's rates are near 4.30%, which is free money to anyone who remembers the rates 20-30 years ago. The lower the rate, the lower your monthly mortgage payment. 2. Prices are the lowest they have been since 2003 - while they still may go down a little more, any hike up in the interest rate is bound to negate any savings by waiting. 3. Big Bear Lake has a … [Read more...]
Sure Fire Way To Increase Sales
Direct link to YouTube video Take care of your customers and your sales will do better. Seems easy enough, yet many companies fail miserably in the customer service area. And many don't even think about it when looking to improve sales. Rather, they think in order to improve sales they have to spend more money advertising, cut costs, spend more time on the Internet or social media. There are plenty of companies out there proving that customer service drives sales - Zappos, Redfin, Starbucks, Apple are a … [Read more...]
Who Knows What To Believe Anymore?
Ever wonder why consumers lack trust in anything they read anymore? Check out these real estate market headlines I received in are recent update from C.A.R. California’s median home price up 21 percent in April from a year ago Nearly 75 percent of homes are affordable Foreclosures plateau—finally. Repossessions soar. Real estate's new problem: not enough homes What kind of homeowners choose to default? Consumer confidence on the rise Maybe it is just me, but does anyone else see the conflict in … [Read more...]